To ensure compliance the school canteen menu must:

  • contain a minimum of 60% of green choices
  • limit the availability of amber savoury commercial products
  • contain no red foods.

Food and drinks classified ‘GREEN’ in the ‘traffic light’ system and are recommended for everyday consumption. The majority of what is offered on a canteen or food service menu should be from the ‘GREEN’ section and these should be promoted as the healthiest choices.

A MINIMUM of 60% of all foods, drinks and snacks offered by the canteen must come from ‘GREEN’ choices.

Food and drinks classified as ‘AMBER’ in the ‘traffic light’ system are not recommended as ‘every day’ choices and their availability to students should be limited. NOT MORE THAN 40% of foods, drinks and snacks offered can be ‘AMBER’ products.

Food and drinks categorised as ‘RED’ in the ‘traffic light’ system and are not permitted in WA public school canteens or food services. There is ample opportunity to consume ‘RED’ food and drinks outside school hours at the discretion of parents and carers.

Download a copy of the Healthy canteen menus poster to display in the canteen.

Download a copy of “What’s on the menu” which shows examples of ‘GREEN’, ‘AMBER’ and ‘RED’ items.

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